Choose Your Attitude

What Children Can Show Us About Play and the FISH! Philosophy

It’s not controversial to say that play is crucial to the development of children – it’s science! When children play, they learn so many important life skills that not only help the brain grow properly, but play a massive role in a person’s success as a grown-up adult. As children develop, they use play to practice creating and understanding rules, respecting the boundaries and emotional needs of others, cause and effect, teamwork, and so much more – and as they play, they reinforce neural pathways and connections that build these skills and traits in the long term. And yet, whenever we teach the FISH! Philosophy, people tell us that the pillar of Play is one of the hardest parts for them to grasp. As adults, we’re no strangers to having fun, but the concept of Play – that unstructured space for exploration, creative thinking, and experimentation with our peers – often gets left behind with age. But it doesn’t need to. All we need to do to relearn our sense of Play is to pay attention to how children Play and why – and integrate that into our own personal and professional lives.

By |2023-11-09T09:13:46-06:00November 9, 2023|Blog|Comments Off on What Children Can Show Us About Play and the FISH! Philosophy

Advice for Tough Corporate Conversations Using the FISH! Philosophy

Conversations seem so simple – after all, they’re something we all do every day, and all they are is just talking to people right? So why is it that some conversations can feel so tough to navigate? Particularly in the corporate world, where professional norms and divergent power dynamics combine with tight deadlines and big emotions, not every conversation is easy, and it’s tempting to try to just ignore them entirely. But having tough conversations in the workplace is a necessity if we want to get things done efficiently and effectively and build a random assortment of employees into a real team and community.

By |2023-11-01T10:19:45-05:00November 1, 2023|Blog|Comments Off on Advice for Tough Corporate Conversations Using the FISH! Philosophy

FISH! For Schools Builds a Better Culture, School-Wide

The FISH! Philosophy has been introduced to nearly every industry and work setting out there, but the education sphere is one of the areas that has seen the most immediate resonation and results. Educators and administrators far and wide have seen first-hand how much the FISH! Philosophy can fundamentally improve their schools by building a positive culture where everyone – from teachers to students to admin employees – works together for the success of the community. So what is FISH!, and what makes it so beneficial in building a positive school culture?

By |2023-10-12T12:59:54-05:00October 25, 2023|Blog|Comments Off on FISH! For Schools Builds a Better Culture, School-Wide

Managing Your Classroom the FISH! Philosophy Way!

The new school year is heating up, and as teachers begin to feel like they’re starting to get to know their students, many are turning their thoughts towards the next step: effectively managing their classes and their classrooms. Classroom management tips are a dime a dozen, but the FISH! Philosophy offers advice based on real-world education sector experience that not only works in the classroom, but translates to any age group or industry. By following the pillars of FISH!, you can work towards building a classroom that’s respectful, collaborative, and encourages learning, growth, and relationship-building both for the students and the teacher guiding them.

By |2023-10-20T09:18:04-05:00October 20, 2023|Blog|Comments Off on Managing Your Classroom the FISH! Philosophy Way!

“All A” Leadership – How to Lead Though Influence by Leveraging Awareness, Aptitude, and Attitude

We all know – whether consciously or just intuitively – that there’s a difference between someone who’s merely an authority figure vs an actual leader. Authority can exert its will upon you due to status, but real leadership is about behaving in a way that excites your team and gets their buy-in so they become active participants in everyone’s success.  One of the best ways to practice true leadership is to practice Be There, one of the core pillars of the FISH! Philosophy. Being There is about showing up for the emotional needs of your team, rather than acting merely as a removed managerial presence. This means that instead of just acting like “The boss,” you take an active role in standing alongside them through both good times and more challenging situations, and guiding your team as they learn, grow, struggle, and adapt.

By |2024-02-05T12:41:56-06:00October 11, 2023|Blog|Comments Off on “All A” Leadership – How to Lead Though Influence by Leveraging Awareness, Aptitude, and Attitude

How to Improve Staff Morale by Practicing Authenticity

“How can I improve my staff’s morale?” is one of the most common questions amongst managers and business owners, and it makes sense: we all want our team to be happy not just because we value their humanity, but because happier people tend to be more productive and make fewer mistakes. But what’s the best way to improve staff morale? For a lot of people, the assumption is that we need to “fake it til we make it” by putting on a big smile and a chipper voice, no matter what’s going on around us. However, the truth is that authenticity – not insincere positivity – is what raises morale.

By |2023-09-27T11:29:00-05:00October 4, 2023|Blog|Comments Off on How to Improve Staff Morale by Practicing Authenticity

How Staying Curious Can Help Make Their Day

While we profess to value curiosity as a culture, far too often we consider practicing curiosity to be almost self-indulgent. We conflate it with navel-gazing, day-dreaming, or knowledge for its own sake rather than something truly practical–and that’s a crying shame. In reality, curiosity is absolutely foundational in any success, both on an individual level and an organizational one. Curiosity is far more than just being wrapped up in your own thoughts; it’s a way to find new solutions, spark new ideas, and connect with others in a genuine, human way. That last point is truly underrated, too, so we’ll say it again: curiosity is crucial for fostering real connections with the real people that we work with to find our own success.

By |2023-09-27T11:29:26-05:00September 27, 2023|Blog|Comments Off on How Staying Curious Can Help Make Their Day

4 Life Tips to Help Choose Your Attitude

How do we find success, while avoiding failure? If that sounds like a question that’s almost too broad to have a good answer, don’t worry–you’re not alone. It’s not a question with a singular answer, but it’s a useful question that guides just about every person (and organization!) on Earth.  While there’s no silver bullet for success, one of our favorite lessons from our FISH! Culture workshop series focuses on building a path towards success by building a mindset around three ideas: Play, Trust, and Creativity. Each of these embodies the four pillars of the FISH! Philosophy to create a reliable methodology for finding success by confronting our fears of failure head-on.

By |2023-09-13T08:41:46-05:00September 20, 2023|Blog|Comments Off on 4 Life Tips to Help Choose Your Attitude

Relieving Stress Together Using the FISH! Philosophy

How do we find success, while avoiding failure? If that sounds like a question that’s almost too broad to have a good answer, don’t worry–you’re not alone. It’s not a question with a singular answer, but it’s a useful question that guides just about every person (and organization!) on Earth.  While there’s no silver bullet for success, one of our favorite lessons from our FISH! Culture workshop series focuses on building a path towards success by building a mindset around three ideas: Play, Trust, and Creativity. Each of these embodies the four pillars of the FISH! Philosophy to create a reliable methodology for finding success by confronting our fears of failure head-on.

By |2023-09-06T10:22:10-05:00September 13, 2023|Blog|Comments Off on Relieving Stress Together Using the FISH! Philosophy

Using Play, Trust, and Creativity to Create a Success-Oriented Mindset

How do we find success, while avoiding failure? If that sounds like a question that’s almost too broad to have a good answer, don’t worry–you’re not alone. It’s not a question with a singular answer, but it’s a useful question that guides just about every person (and organization!) on Earth.  While there’s no silver bullet for success, one of our favorite lessons from our FISH! Culture workshop series focuses on building a path towards success by building a mindset around three ideas: Play, Trust, and Creativity. Each of these embodies the four pillars of the FISH! Philosophy to create a reliable methodology for finding success by confronting our fears of failure head-on.

By |2023-09-07T09:27:18-05:00September 7, 2023|Blog|Comments Off on Using Play, Trust, and Creativity to Create a Success-Oriented Mindset
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