FISH! Philosophy Tips: How To Show Up For Yourself, And Others

Published On: April 27, 2020Categories: Blog

There’s no denying it. We live in a different world than the one we lived in just weeks ago. Businesses worldwide have been affected in ways that are still largely unknown. Storefronts across the nation have either shut down completely or they are adapting to the new normal. The ways in which we interact with one another have shifted from mostly in-person to strictly virtual platforms—and our prior social norms are expected to transform in the near future to fit the post-pandemic reality. As we physically distance and adapt to this new world, we’re called to bravely show up for ourselves and each other.

Now more than ever, looking to the practices of The FISH! Philosophy can help shape how we take on each day.


If we are honest with ourselves, we can admit that the reality we face because of COVID-19 is stark. It is critical for our mental wellbeing to be able to keep a light heart as we adjust to new ways of working and interacting with one another. Although what we face is, at times, uncertain, a playful and lighthearted spirit adds levity to serious situations. As you interact with others throughout the day (whether it is your child you are now home schooling or your client you are video conferencing), don’t forget to infuse a bit of play into your interactions.

Make Their Day

Let’s face it, many of us have been abruptly thrust into a way of working that we’re not used to—children and 9 to 5ers alike. One day students were switching bells and moving from classroom to classroom and the next they were wrapping their brains around the fact that they may not see their classmates again until the next school year. Similarly, workers across the nation are setting up home offices for jobs they may have been previously led to believe couldn’t be done from home. When and if you interact with either of these groups, take care to make their day however you can. A kind word goes a long way.

Be There

The absolute best thing you can do for your colleagues, family you don’t live with, and friends—near and far—is to physically-distance. But this distance does not mean that you can’t still be there for them. You can still lend a virtual ear by offering to just listen. It may mean more to them than you could ever know.

Choose Your Attitude

This philosophy is critical. Our attitudes are the lenses with which we see the world. How we collectively pull through this global crisis largely depends on how we choose to move throughout our days. Although many of our circumstances vary, depending on individual situations, one thing is for sure: it is not easy. And the attitude we choose to embody can make the days easier or more difficult. The good thing is your attitude is a choice. When you can’t see the sunshine, be the sunshine.

We can look to FISH! to help us get through this moment in history and beyond. This timeless philosophy provides guidance no matter the challenge.

Guest author: Desiré Bennett

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