FISH! for Government

The FISH! Philosophy can help government agencies and military units build more effective and cohesive teams, increase productivity, and improve morale. By emphasizing communication, collaboration, and a positive attitude, the FISH! Philosophy can foster a culture of excellence and accountability in even the most challenging and high-stress environments.

Need to Improve Employee Retention?

When government administrations struggle with employee engagement, the customer experience also suffers, which often creates:

  • Low Customer Satisfaction
  • High Turnover
  • Lack of Teamwork

Need Government Leadership Training?

Learning how to create an organizational culture in government that inspires team engagement can:

  • Reduce Departmental Complaints
  • Improve Team Morale
  • Improve Customer Satisfaction
  • Lower Turnover

Start improving your organization today:

Read the FISH! book

Start here and build an engaged organization

Attend a workshop

Get inspired and learn strategies to lead team success

Book a speaker

Kickoff an event with our FISH! presenters

Lead your own training

Comprehensive products to lead your own culture transformation

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Achieve your business goals with our certified consultants

The FISH! Philosophy

Compassionate government service starts with being fully present for people you serve. Showing you value them. Offering a smile to lift their spirits. Choosing your attitude in challenging situations. These human fundamentals are the heart of The FISH! Philosophy.

The FISH! Philosophy offers government administrators, department heads, and staff simple strategies to increase engagement, retention, and customer satisfaction.

Improved Team Morale

With FISH!, you’ll equip your team with the right tools to nurture an environment of respect, dignity, and enjoyment that is expressed from employees to customers, internal or external.

Accountability & Responsibility

FISH! can help your agency establish and foster a servant leadership mentality, where leaders practice accountability and build trust within their team.

Workplace Meaning & Value

When employees feel valued and understand that their work is meaningful, they engage at a higher level with their colleagues and customers.

Higher Customer Satisfaction

FISH! can help you build a foundation of positive engagement that boosts customer satisfaction scores, so your agency becomes more.

4 Simple Practices. Amazing Results.

Be There

  • Be aware of others’ needs

  • Turn off electronics and email

  • Listen to understand

  • Clear your mind of judgment

  • Be emotionally present


  • Use Humor to make people feel included

  • Invite (Not Demand) staff to join in fun activities

  • Know your team’s boundaries

  • Experiment with new ideas to improve results

  • See mistakes as an opportunity to learn

Make Their Day

  • Write a thank you note

  • “Catch” coworkers doing good things

  • Encourage a colleague

  • Take that extra step customers don’t expect

  • Celebrate success

Choose Your Attitude

  • Write your attitude as a reminder

  • Check your attitude throughout the day

  • Plan ahead for situations that test your attitude

  • List what you’re grateful for

  • Look for the best (you’ll find it everywhere)